Research and Development
ATL conducts research and development to find new material solutions. This page shows some recent examples of ATL's work in this area

Reaction Engines Ltd.
ATL have been involved with Reaction Engines Ltd. in a number of projects with the aim of developing materials and engineering solutions for high temperature components within their Sabre engine. The Sabre engine is a dual mode air breathing/rocket propulsion system which is intended for use on the Skylon, an unpiloted, reusable space-plane intended to provide inexpensive and reliable access to space. The main aim of the projects has been to develop metallic and ceramic coatings and free standing structures which enable the operation of a novel high temperature heat exchanger.
JET Nuclear Fusion
In 2008 the experimental JET nuclear fusion reactor at Culham will change the plasma facing materials inside the tokamak to simulate those intended for use in the new 500MW pilot scale fusion reactor ITER which will be built in France over the next 10 years. ATL has been involved in supplying a number of tungsten and rhenium coated carbon composite panels as test materials for this application. ATL has also supplied tungsten coatings for other nuclear fusion test components within the ExtreMat project and other applications.

EU and Goverment Funded
ATL participates in EU funded Framework R&D projects. We have a long & successful track record stretching back over 20 years.Projects successfully concluded in recent years include:
DEPAC – New technique for the deposition of protective aluminide coatings on the internal surfaces of complex cooled industrial turbine blades.
PROTECT – A New Process to Improve Gas Turbine Engine Performance by Thermal Barrier Coating Technology
ORDICO – Modified Al and PtAl Diffusion Coatings with improved oxidation and thermomechanical fatigue life
NANOMAG – Development of innovative nanocomposite coatings for magnesium casting protection